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The Idea of Victory Community Development Center (VICODEC) dates back to 2001 when it was started and registered under the then Ministry of culture and Social Services as a Self Help Organization under the name Victory Community Project.

Its main aim was for caring and rehabilitation of children and aged people especially in difficult circumstances primarily those on the streets and poor families in the slums. By extending the love of Jesus Christ, the project focused on offering the children and aging hope for a bright future through collaborative initiatives including children protection, education, health care and general welfare.

The organization by leasing a space in Kware slums started an informal school which also doubled up as a day rescue center for children in the slums. In 2002 the center started a feeding program for the slum children.

In the year 2003 through a donation the organization bought two acres of land between Kware slums and Gataka, which was growing also as a slum.

The construction began in the year 2004 and was completed and opened in September 2005. The Center was opened officially in 2006 and all the programs were relocated from the initial center in Kware slums. In 2007 the center was registered as a Community based Organization under the name VICODEC.

In April 2007, Vocational training institute was started to offer skills to the needy adults so that they become self sustaining through self employment or getting absolved in the Job Market.

In the year 2008, the Medical Clinic was started and registered under the ministry of Health to offer quality health care services to the community.

In  January  2012 VICODEC was registered as   CHARITABLE TRUST under the ministry of Lands.

Our Location

Approximately 25  km from Nairobi City. The center is located at Ongata Rongai opposite Laiser Hill Academy behind united church.
VICODEC focuses its efforts in Kware and Gataka slums which are characterized by poor sanitation,dilapidated housing,low income with High rate of unemployment all contributing to prostitution,family breakdown, peddling of drugs as illicit brew and bhang tragically increasing the rate of HIV infections and AIDS especially among the vulnerable ones.